Since 2012 I have been looking for a good fluffy pancake recipe. In 2013 I thought I found the right recipe (where you had to whipp egg whites). But in 2014 I have found a great alternative: Greek yogurt! Very easy and fast to make. I get my weekly groceries at Aldi and there I buy the Greek yogurt container of 1000 grams for €1,89.
Often I forget I have Greek yogurt in my refrigerator so right before the expiration date I have to use it. I love trying out new recipes so it was Google time! I searched for Greek yogurt pancakes and came to this very simple recipe from: Everydaybelle. I have tweaked the recipe according to user comments. I have added some sugar, lemon aroma and vanilla aroma. I have had tried the recipe twice, so take a look at the recipe and my experience.
Even Dr. Oz loves Greek yogurt, I seen it on Dutch tv today 🙂
6 oz of Greek yogurt
1 tsp of lemon aroma
1 tsp of vanilla aroma
1 tsp of baking soda
1/2 cup of flour
1 egg
2 tbsp of sugar
Mix the above ingredients together and enjoy the smell! It smells absolutely delicious. The original recipe does not use a Kitchenaid/mixer. It just says to use a spoon to smooth out the Greek yoghurt. I tried the original recipe the first time, and it was a bit bland. So that’s why I added the sugar. Unfortunately I don’t have liquid sugar. So I had to whip the Greek yogurt with normal sugar in order for the sugar to dissolve. What I did find is that when smoothing the Greek yoghurt with the spoon the pancake will be a lot more fluffy-er then whipping the Greek yogurt in the Kitchenaid.
Add the egg, mix till it is incorporated and then add flower. That’s it, the pancake mix is ready.
Place 2 tablespoons of the pancake mix in the frying pan and make the pancake a bit bigger by spreading the dough out with the tablespoon. As soon as air bubbles appears on the pancake it is ready to be turned. The pancakes should like this:
Not very thick and fluffy, but definitely fluffy-er then a normal Dutch flat pancake. The scent and taste is very yummie and appetizing; soft texture and comes pretty close to Mcdonalds pancakes!
The above picture is of the original recipe. As you can see the pancake is fluffy-er when you don’t whip up the Greek yogurt, but just smooth it out with a spoon. I did find that with the original recipe, the middle of the pancakes were undercooked. So when using the original recipe do let the pancakes bake a bit longer.
I am from now on a real die hard fan of Greek yogurt. The diversity of things you can make with it like smoothies, fat free scones and pancakes: are amazing! Extra protein intake through Greek yogurt? Yes, please! Just for €1,89 for 1000 grams of Greek yogurt and you have possibilities that are endless.