At my job I don’t have my own office. I have to share the office area with 8 other co workers. This makes it a bit difficult if I want to work concentrated; there are always co workers talking amongst each other (about work or not about work).

Mostly I put on my head phone so that I can detach myself from my talkative surrounding. But if I listen to songs with lyrics I get easily distracted and I am also trying to cut down on listening to pop music. I was searching on Youtube on key words like “study music” and “relax music” I got mostly zen music and that can be somewhat scary and annoying in the long run when listening to it for a long time. But then I stumbled upon RelaxDaily, the music on here is not piano music like Beethoven, but very soft and light tunes. Even watching the video with its nature images totally relaxes me.

My favorite tune at this moment:

You can see that this video is more then an hour (which is great) cause that means I can work for a longer period concentrated. Whenever I am finished with my task I go back to Youtube and see how long I was busy with the task I was doing < I find this very useful. I even listen to this at home when I have to do the laundry > I love it!

To what do you listen if you have to be concentrated?

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