Thanks to this deodorant it’s possible to save some bucks. It’s so easy, cheap and natural, I love it! I have been using baking soda as a deodorant since 2011 but it can get quite messy in the bathroom. I have read that you can use coconut oil to harden the baking soda. I have tried this method for a couple of months and it’s totally working! Also this deodorant will help you stay odor free till the next morning. Which is very nice if you have your partner lying next to you 😛
You need to make sure the coconut oil is in a liquid form to make it easier to combine it with the baking soda. If you are living in a colder environment you would need to do this by warming the oil in the microwave or in some warm water.
1. Mix around 16 tablespoons of coconut oil in a separate dish and add 5 tablespoons of baking soda. This amount will give you a lot of deodorant stash. You can reduce it and see what amount will work for you. Baking soda can be harsh if you have sensitive skin so do have that in mind.
2.Then you let the combined coconut oil with baking soda rest and leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours to make it more solid.
And that’s it! As you can see making your own deodorant is SUPER easy 😀
Just rub the warmed up coconut oil in your armpits and you are good to go.
The deodorant gets more softer during summer and more harder in the winter season.
I also learned that coconut oil itself is very good against smelly armpits 😛 But adding baking soda will be way more effective.
You are fresh to go till the next morning! I am planning to make this for some of my friends so that they can try it as well. I am very curious to hear their experiences 😀
Would you like to try this DIY deo and what deodorant are you using now? Please leave a comment below, I would love to read and comment back!